niedziela, 1 sierpnia 2010

Take a break from studying chess

Ok so I think every chessplayer needs a break.
That's why I decided to give you once a week some encouragement to play chess.
These series will be about chess beauties literally!

The prettiest chessplayers!

Lets start with Maria Manakova

Maria Manakova (born 1 March 1974) is a Woman Grandmaster of chess, born in Russia. During her chess career, in several years she lived in Serbia and played for Yugoslav chess women's team. Manakova was first board reserve on the silver medal winning Yugoslav team at the European Team Championship in Batumi 1999, although she didn't play any games.
On the July 2010 FIDE list, her Elo rating is 2306.
She posed nude for the Russian men's magazine Speed in 2004. (wikipedia)
In one interview she poured corn on female players in "dirty, baggy trousers", urging them to wear miniskirts instead to attract sponsors.

Ok now get back to studying!

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